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For Loop | Unity C# Game Development Tutorial | How To Make A Game

When you are coding a Game there will come times when you would want to repeat the same piece of code again and again

like when showing Items on your Menu or spawning the Player and NPCs in your Game World.

Loops in programming languages like C# can be used to do just that.

Now, there are various kinds of loops in C# like For Loop, Foreach Loop, While Loop and Do While Loop

in this article, we will take a closer look at For Loops and understand all the key details about it.

So, let’s get started with it.

This Post is Part of : How To Make A Game Series where I’ll be showing you how to become a game developer and will be going over the basics of Game Development, Step by Step, using the Unity Game Engine and C# Scripting Language to script the Game Logic.

If you are new to Game Development or Programming in general you should definitely go through this Unity Tutorials article series as it will set give you a kick-start towards becoming an exceptional Unity 2D or 3D Video Game Developer.

Game Development can be a really computer intensive profession when you are trying to develop good looking games

and that can be a huge problem as not a lot of people doing it have really powerful computer.

If you are one of these people you should take a look at this article on 5 Ways To Develop Games On Low End / Low Spec PCs with Unity

where i have noted down 5 actionable steps that you can take

to make your game development experience using the Unity Game Engine a lot smoother on Low End PCs.

For Loop - Unity C# Game Development Tutorial - How To Make A Game - Featured Image

List Of Other Articles on Loops In C#

What Is A For Loop And In What Sort Of Game Development Scenario Would Your Use For Loops?

Loops are a fundamental part of programming and they are used to execute a statement or a block of code repeatedly until the specified condition return false.

Now to give more context as to why you would need to repeatedly execute a piece of code

Let’s go to the RPG analogy and think about the Inventory System in your game.

Now let’s say the inventory system is slot based and your bag has 10 slots which are stackable up to 99 items per slot.

which means that you can store 990 items in your bag at the maximum.

I hope that you are clear till here.

Now let’s say that the player is playing the game and has items inside his inventory

with some items being stackable, while some not being stackable.

What we need to do now is show these items correctly to the player when he/she opens the inventory.

That is if the items are not stackable, then we have to show unstacked

while if they are stackable, then we have to show them as stacked

with the number of stacked items shown in the top right corner of the slot.

This sort of scenario is pretty common in RPG games

and is one of the scenarios where you would be using loops.

Syntax To Write / Code A For Loop In C#

// Everything below is just a placeholder code to understand syntax.
// For working example go further down in the article.

for(Initializer ; Condition ; Iterator)
// Code Block To Be Executed

// Loop below will log 0 & 1 in console

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

Now the Syntax for the For Loop can be divided into 5 parts

First is the for Keyword and the two Opening and Closing Parenthesis which will tell the compiler that you are writing a For Loop.

Second, inside the parenthesis we have the Initializer ( int i = 0 ),

which is used to initialize a variable that will be local to the for loop and cannot be accessed outside loop.

Third, is the Loop Condition Which will return either true or false.

If the condition return true, then the program will execute the loop again

while if the condition returns false, the loop will be stopped and the program will move forward.

Then for the Fourth Part, we have the Iterator ( i++ )

which will let you increase or decrease the value of variables

after each time that the code block inside the for loop is executed.

And Finally in the Fifth Part, we have everything inside the curly braces

which is the block of code that will be executed repeatedly

while the condition for the for loop returns true.

Simple For Loop Code Example With Unity And C#

Now, we are not going to write the whole inventory system in this article

but what we are going to do instead is

write a block of code which will test our Logic.

So first of all, let’s write a simple For Loop to log the Names of all the Items in the Player’s Inventory.

To do that let’s first declare and initialize a string array named _itemNames

that will contain Names of Items in the Player’s Inventory

and then in the Start() method write a For Loop that will iterate through each item in the _itemNames array

and log the name of each of the iterated item in the Unity Console.

// Everything Below is inside a Class.

private string[] _itemNames = new string[5] {"Sword", "Apple", "Apple", "Potion", "Dagger"};

void Start()
  for(int i = 0; i < _itemNames.length; i++)

    Debug.log("Item " + i + " : " + _itemNames[i]);


Breaking Down And Understand The Piece Of Code

Now let’s break down and understand this piece of code.

Here, first of all in the initializer part we initialized a new local variable i and set it’s value to 0.

then we wrote the Loop Condition which is that

the newly initialized i is less than _itemNames.Length which is 5.

and finally in the iterator part,

we increased the value of i by 1 after each loop cycle.

That means that, the code will start with i set at 0

and will loop 5 times

until the iterator increases the value of i to 5

which will result into the condition returning false

because we have set the condition as

i should be less than _itemNames.length which is 5

and 5 is not less than 5.

and when the condition returns false

the loop will be stopped.

Inside the code block, with each loop cycle

we have debug.logged the value at different indexes of _itemNames array

So when we execute this code in Unity,

we should see the logs inside the console saying

Item 0 : Sword
Item 1 : Apple
Item 2 : Apple
Item 3 : Potion
Item 4 : Dagger

Now let’s execute this code in unity and check the logs.

Executed Code

Simple For Loop Example With Unity And C# - Code Part

Unity Log

Simple For Loop Example With Unity And C# - Unity Log

As you can see it displays all the 5 items correctly.

Separating Stackable And Non-Stackable Items Using If Statement And For Loop in C#

Back to the code, Now let’s declare another array

but this time of data type Boolean named _isStackable

with size of array set to : 5

and the members set to : false, true, true, true, false

Then we are going to do next

is to modify the piece of code that we have already written

so that it will log the Names of Stackable and Non-Stackable Items separately.

To accomplish this,

inside the for loop, we will create an if statement with the condition

_isStackable[i] == false

and debug.log the name of the item inside it.

and After that we will attach an else if block with the condition

_isStackable[i] == true

and debug.log the iterating item name inside here too.

And That it.

// Everything Below is inside a Class.

private string[] _itemNames = new string[5] {"Sword", "Apple", "Apple", "Potion", "Potion"};
private bool[] _isStackable = new bool[5]{false, true, true, true, false};

void Start()
  for(int i = 0; i < _itemNames.length; i++)
    if(_isStackable[i] == false)
      Debug.Log("Item " + i +" Is Not Stackable, Name : " + _itemNames[i]);
    else if(_isStackable[i] == true)
      Debug.log("Item " + i + " Is Stackable, Name: " + _itemNames[i]);

Now let’s execute this piece of code in Unity and check to logs

Executed Code

Separating Stackable And Non-Stackable Items Using If Statement And For Loop in C# - Code Part

Unity Log

Separating Stackable And Non-Stackable Items Using If Statement And For Loop in C# - Unity Log

And as you can see it divided the items based on whether they are Stackable or Non-Stackable.

Solve Problems & Don’t Be Afraid Of The Size Of Code; It Won’t Bite

Now just to give a heads up, as most of you readers are beginners to programming,

it is possible that some of you might get lost in the next part

because the code is going to get a bit larger than in the previous articles, about 70 – 80 lines

but don’t rush it, if you understand everything that I’m doing then great

if not, then don’t worry, just stick around as i will slowly explain everything.

The reason why i am writing this relatively larger piece of code to explain for loop is because

i don’t want to give you a senseless example with no context

like just iterating the value of i or making a pattern with stars or that sort of thing that would be of no use to you.

but instead explain it from the perspective of real life problem solving

using only the things that i have made articles and videos on until now

which i think is a much better way of explaining any concept.

and second reason is that i want you to get used to seeing large pieces of code

because if you are serious about developing a game

then you will be dealing with thousands of lines of code in each script.

And Finally, another point i want to say is that the length of the code is of little importance

and what you should be focusing on is to understand the the problem you are trying to solve and the underlying system that you are creating solve it.

that is also the reason why i have been creating these RPG scenarios and analogies

to get you into that perspective of solving problems, instead of just typing a plus b = magic.

Well with that out of the way let’s continue.

Simple Code To Stack Inventory Items Using For Loops & Arrays in Unity with C#

Declaring And Setting Values To Stacked Item Names & Stacked Item Count Arrays

Now the purpose of the code that we are writing is to display the items in form of stacks

with the right amount of stacked value assigned to the slot.

To accomplish this we will need to declare two more arrays.

First, a string array named _inventoryItemNames

and Second an int array named _stackedItemCount

_inventoryItemNames will contain the names of stacked items.

and _stackedItemCount will contain the stacked item count for the items in _inventoryItemNames array.

Now in the Start() method

before the for loop, we will initialize these two arrays like this using the length property.

// Everything Below is inside a Class.

private string[] _itemNames = new string[5] {"Sword", "Apple", "Apple", "Potion", "Potion"};
private bool[] _isStackable = new bool[5]{false, true, true, true, false};

private string[] _inventoryItemNames;
private int[] _stackedItemCount;

void Start()
  _inventoryItemNames = new string[_itemNames.Length];
  _stackedItemCount = new int[_inventoryItemNames.Length];

  for(int i = 0; i < _itemNames.length; i++)
    if(_isStackable[i] == false)
      Debug.Log("Item " + i +" Is Not Stackable, Name : " + _itemNames[i]);
    else if(_isStackable[i] == true)
      Debug.log("Item " + i + " Is Stackable, Name: " + _itemNames[i]);

We are doing this using the length property

because we know that even if none of the items are stackable,

the members needed to contain all the items in the _itemNames array

will not be larger than the size of the _itemNames array.

Instead of referencing using the length property,

You can try hard coding this instead

but it will be really difficult to maintain it once your project starts getting even slightly large.

So, just don’t hard code it.

moving forward, I only declared the two arrays but did not initialize them while declaring

because we would get an error saying that

“a field initializer cannot reference a non-static field, method or property.”

And as we are trying to use the Length Property of the two Arrays

which is not a Static Property

we can’t initialize the two Arrays while declaring them outside a method.

Coding For Loop & If Statement To Count Non-Stackable Items

Next, inside the for loop we have already made the if condition that separates Stackable and Non-Stackable Items.

So, inside the first conditional block where the non stackable items will go

we will add this incoming non stackable item to the _inventoryItemNames array

and at the same index set the number of stacked items in the _stackedItemCount array.

We can do this by creating a nested for loop to go through the _inventoryItemNames array

and find the index at which we have not stored an item yet by using an if condition

where we are checking the value at the current index and seeing if it’s null

If this condition returns true, then that means that we have found an empty slot

and next thing to do is to assign the name of the current item iterating in the larger for loop

to the empty slot that we just found by typing

_inventoryItemNames[j] = _itemNames[i];

and after that setting _stackedItemCount at index j to 1

as even though this item cannot be stacked,

your itemCount can’t be 0,

because the item does exist.

Next, we need to add break

because we want to assign this item only to the first empty slot that we find in the _inventoryItemNames array

and not to all the empty slots that we find.

and to stop that from happening

after we have set the values correctly in the first empty slot

we need to break the for loop and and get out it

// Everything Below is inside a Class.

private string[] _itemNames = new string[5] {"Sword", "Apple", "Apple", "Potion", "Potion"};
private bool[] _isStackable = new bool[5]{false, true, true, true, false};

private string[] _inventoryItemNames;
private int[] _stackedItemCount;

void Start()
  _inventoryItemNames = new string[_itemNames.Length];
  _stackedItemCount = new int[_inventoryItemNames.Length];

  for(int i = 0; i < _itemNames.length; i++)
    if(_isStackable[i] == false)
      for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
        if(_inventoryItemNames[j] == null)
          _inventoryItemNames[j] = _itemNames[i];
          _stackedItemCount[j] = 1;
    else if(_isStackable[i] == true)
      Debug.log("Item " + i + " Is Stackable, Name: " + _itemNames[i]);

Coding For Loop & If Statement To Count Stackable Items

With that done, now let’s move on the else if code block where the Stackable Items will enter.

Inside here, the first thing we will do is

declare a boolean named _foundIdenticalItem and set it to false.

after that we will create a for loop and iterate through the _inventoryItemNames array

to find if an identical item already exists in the array.

if such an identical item exists then we will set the _foundIdenticalItem boolean to true.

and increase the _stackedItemCount variable by 1

at the index that we found the identical item

like this.

// Everything Below is inside a Class.

private string[] _itemNames = new string[5] {"Sword", "Apple", "Apple", "Potion", "Potion"};
private bool[] _isStackable = new bool[5]{false, true, true, true, false};

private string[] _inventoryItemNames;
private int[] _stackedItemCount;

void Start()
  _inventoryItemNames = new string[_itemNames.Length];
  _stackedItemCount = new int[_inventoryItemNames.Length];

  for(int i = 0; i < _itemNames.length; i++)
    if(_isStackable[i] == false)
      for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
        if(_inventoryItemNames[j] == null)
          _inventoryItemNames[j] = _itemNames[i];
          _stackedItemCount[j] = 1;
    else if(_isStackable[i] == true)
      bool _foundIdenticalItem = false;

      for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
        if(_itemNames[i] == _inventoryItemNames[j])
          _foundIdenticalItem = true;
          _stackedItemCount[j] = _stackedItemCount[j] + 1;

With that done, after the for loop we will check if _foundIdenticalItem is false.

If this returns true, it will mean that

we went through all the items in the _inventoryItemNames array

and did not find a single identical item.

Which means that, we will need to find an empty slot

and assign the currently iterating item of _itemsNames array to it.

just like in the code for non-stackable items above.

So instead of writing that code again

we can just copy and paste that piece of code here.

and with that, we have completed the code that will take the items from _itemNames array

and use the _isStackable array to stack the items correctly

After that place them inside the _inventoryItemNames array

and set the correct number of stacked items in the _stackedItemCount array

// Everything Below is inside a Class.

private string[] _itemNames = new string[5] {"Sword", "Apple", "Apple", "Potion", "Potion"};
private bool[] _isStackable = new bool[5]{false, true, true, true, false};

private string[] _inventoryItemNames;
private int[] _stackedItemCount;

void Start()
  _inventoryItemNames = new string[_itemNames.Length];
  _stackedItemCount = new int[_inventoryItemNames.Length];

  for(int i = 0; i < _itemNames.length; i++)
    if(_isStackable[i] == false)
      for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
        if(_inventoryItemNames[j] == null)
          _inventoryItemNames[j] = _itemNames[i];
          _stackedItemCount[j] = 1;
    else if(_isStackable[i] == true)
      bool _foundIdenticalItem = false;

      for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
        if(_itemNames[i] == _inventoryItemNames[j])
          _foundIdenticalItem = true;
          _stackedItemCount[j] = _stackedItemCount[j] + 1;

      if(_foundIdenticalItem == false)
        for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
          if(_inventoryItemNames[j] == null)
            _inventoryItemNames[j] = _itemNames[i];
            _stackedItemCount[j] = 1;

Logging The Correctly Stacked Items In The Unity Console

Now the final thing that we need to do is

we will Debug.Log the correctly stacked items in the Unity Console

so let’s do that

To do this we will create another for loop inside the Start() method

right after the largest for loop ends

and inside it, we will create an if condition

which will stop the program from printing the Item slots that are empty by checking for null slots

and then logging the Stacked Item Name and Stacked Item Count of Currently iterating item, like this.

// Just Writing Code For The Current For Loop

for(int i = 0; i < _inventoryItemNames.Length; i++)
  if(_inventoryItemNames[i] != null)
    Debug.Log("Item " + i + " : "  + _inventoryItemNames[i]);
    Debug.Log("Item Count : " + _stackedItemCount[i]);

And That’s it!

The code for today’s article is complete.

Man that took a long time.

Now let’s go and execute this code in Unity to check the logs

Executed Code | For Loop Code Example Unity C#

Code is too long for a single image :p.

// Everything below is inside a class.

private string[] _itemNames = new string[5] {"Sword", "Apple", "Apple", "Potion", "Potion"};
private bool[] _isStackable = new bool[5]{false, true, true, true, false};

private string[] _inventoryItemNames;
private int[] _stackedItemCount;

void Start()
  _inventoryItemNames = new string[_itemNames.Length];
  _stackedItemCount = new int[_inventoryItemNames.Length];

  for(int i = 0; i < _itemNames.length; i++)
    if(_isStackable[i] == false)
      for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
        if(_inventoryItemNames[j] == null)
          _inventoryItemNames[j] = _itemNames[i];
          _stackedItemCount[j] = 1;
    else if(_isStackable[i] == true)
      bool _foundIdenticalItem = false;

      for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
        if(_itemNames[i] == _inventoryItemNames[j])
          _foundIdenticalItem = true;
          _stackedItemCount[j] = _stackedItemCount[j] + 1;

      if(_foundIdenticalItem == false)
        for(int j = 0; j < _inventoryItemNames.Length; j++)
          if(_inventoryItemNames[j] == null)
            _inventoryItemNames[j] = _itemNames[i];
            _stackedItemCount[j] = 1;

  for(int i = 0; i < _inventoryItemNames.Length; i++)
    if(_inventoryItemNames[i] != null)
      Debug.Log("Item " + i + " : "  + _inventoryItemNames[i]);
      Debug.Log("Item Count : " + _stackedItemCount[i]);


Unity Log | For Loop Code Example Unity C#

Unity Log of Complete For Loop Code Example for Stacking Inventory Items

As you can see, our items were stacked correctly based on the data inside the _isStackable array.

Important Points About For Loops Before Wrapping Up This Article

Now, if this was a legit project then i would not be using arrays to store this sort of data.

Instead what i would be doing is that

i will probably create a struct or class that will contain stats of these items

and then use Dictionaries to maintain this sort of data.

Using Dictionaries will make your life much easier but that’s a topic for another article.

Next there are 4 points about For Loops that you should know.

First is that, you can initialize more than one local variable in the initializer section of the for loop

by separating the declarations with comma, like this

for(int i = 0, int j = 8; i < 10; i++){}

Second is that The control variable which is the variable you are using to control the condition of for loop

can be of any numeric data type, such as short, int, float, double, decimal, etc.

for(short i = 7; i < 10; i++){}

// OR

for(float i = 10f; i >= 0; i-2.5){}

Third is that, in this article we have looped in the positive direction from 0 to the length of an array

but you can also loop in the reverse direction by iterating the control variable negatively, like this

for(int i = array.Length; i >= 0; i--){}

// OR

for(double i = 10d; i >= 0; i-0.5){}

and the final point is that

just like you can initialize multiple variables in the initializer section,

you can iterate multiple variables in the iterator section

in whichever direction you want after every loop cycle, like this

for(int i = 0, int j = 8; i < 10; i++, j--){}

// OR

for(int i = 0, float j = 8f; i < 10; i++, j-0.25){}


Well folks, that does it for this article.

i hope that this information will be helpful to you.

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